Song Files & Chord Charts
For 09/08/2017 Prophetic Gathering
Thank you and God bless to all of you who give of your gifts and time to make this an excellent night of worship for the Lord!
Shane Anthony - Music Director
PowerHouse Ministries
Cell # (615) 739-4148
Song order as follows:
#1. Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall (Steve Merkel)
Specific instructions for musicians: |
None. |
Specific instructions for singers: |
None. |
Listen to the various sound files for this song using the flash player box below. You can also use the links below the flash player box, to pull the sound files up in QuickTime, Winamp, Windows Media Player, or whatever program is set as your default MP3 player in your computer:
This text will be replaced by the flash music player.
If you want to download the MP3 files for this song to your computer, (to use in an MP3 player etc...), right click on the following links and choose "Save Target As":
Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall - Paul Wilbur
Tempo: 160 bpm
Key: Am
Chord/Lyric chart:
Chord/Lyric chart in PDF:
#2. I Came To Worship (Shane Anthony)
Specific instructions for musicians: |
None. |
Specific instructions for singers: |
The Harmony parts listed below were recorded a 1/2 step higher. |
Tempo: 112 bpm
Key: Dm
Chord/Lyric chart:
Chord/Lyric chart in PDF:
#3. Holding On (Shane Anthony)
Specific instructions for musicians: |
None. |
Specific instructions for singers: |
None. |
Tempo: (Shane establishes) bpm
Key: C
Chord/Lyric chart .doc:
Chord/Lyric chart PDF:
#4. Find Me (Jonathan David, Melissa Helser)
Specific instructions for musicians: |
None. |
Specific instructions for singers: |
None. |
Tempo: 143 bpm
Key: F
Chord/Lyric chart .doc:
Chord/Lyric chart PDF:
#5. Fired Up (Shane Anthony)
Specific instructions for musicians: |
None. |
Specific instructions for singers: |
None. |
Listen to the various sound files for this song using the flash player box below. You can also use the links below the flash player box, to pull the sound files up in QuickTime, Winamp, Windows Media Player, or whatever program is set as your default MP3 player in your computer:
This text will be replaced by the flash music player.
If you want to download the MP3 files for this song to your computer, (to use in an MP3 player etc...), right click on the following links and choose "Save Target As":
Fired Up - demo
Tempo: 170 bpm
Key: Fm
Chord/Lyric chart .doc:
Chord/Lyric chart PDF: